Ekta Kapoor Biography | Who is Ekta Kapoor ?

Hello everyone , my name is Sunil Kumar Ghaswan and taday i am going to tell you something special about Ekta Kapoor. Yes we are talking about Ekta Kapoor Biography. Do you know that who is Ekta Kapoor ? If no then you need to read this article till the end. If you know something about Ekta Kapoor then it also helpful for you because we have included some interesting facts about Ekta Kapoor life.

Ekta Kapoor Biography

Ekta Kapoor is an Indian director and producer. He also plays a role in indian cinema as an actress. Ekta Kapoor born on 07 June 1975 at Mumbai, Maharastra, India. Her other name is Content Czarina. You can say it a nickname of Ekta Kapoor. She is a television producer, joint managing director of Balaji Telefilms.

She is active in this field from 1995 to now. She has one child. Her father is Jeetendra and mother is Sobha Kapoor. Tusshar Kapoor is brother of Ekta Kapoor.

Ekta Kapoor started her career when she was 17 year old as ad and feature filmmaker. After that she done hard work and now she is on a high.

Conclusion :
So this is my meaningful and valuable article on Ekta Kapoor Biography. We have included most important facts about Ekta Kapoor in this article. If something is missing and if you want to know more about Ekta Kapoor then you can leave a comment in comment box. We are happy to help you always.
Ekta Kapoor Biography | Who is Ekta Kapoor ? Ekta Kapoor Biography | Who is Ekta Kapoor ? Reviewed by Sunil Kumar on 07:23 Rating: 5

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